Demo Reel 2017-2018

Maya Tool - Procedural dust on contact

The tool detects the contact between two geometries and emits a fluid from the detected collision faces. The fluid in this case has been automatically set-up to resemble dust.

The UI has been designed to simplify the steps that the artists will need to take to the minimum. Divided into two different framesets the first one creates the FX group that creates the behaviour of the system while the second controls the attributes of the system created.

When we generate a system it creates all necessary Maya Objects for it to work. Internally, and invisible to the user, it will create a Dust Class Object that will allow the users to modify attributes from all the created Maya Objects.

For this tool to work we need to turn Maya into a procedural software. This is achieved by using SOuP nodes that you one can purchase here.

Further information about this tool can be obtained here

Procedural Dust GIF

Maya Tool- Delete selected loop

The tool determines whether a loop has been selected and proceeds to delete all vertices and edges in that loop. When we use the default delete keys Maya will delete, by default, the vertices but not the edges. We reduce the steps needed to delete the completely the selected loop.

Delete Loop GIF

Maya Tool - Count incorrect faces

The tool checks all faces in a previously selected geometry and selects them if they are not made by 4 vertices. As the incorrect faces appear it counts them to finally show a warning message with the total number of incorrect vertices. This tool was suggested by modellers who spent long times looking for errors in their meshes.

Select Incorrect Faces GIF

Maya Tool - Increment save

The tool is used to increment save our files with the increment value decided upon by the studio. Maya already has implemented an increment save which divides name from increment using ".". For my tool the division is made with "_v".

If the file has never been saved before it will open up a Save As dialog box. If the file has already been saved once it will add an initial increment. If the file has already been incremented it will determine in which increment it is and add one.

Increment Save GIF


I designed all the website using html5 and CSS. The website has also been implemented for a better display on mobile devices but still shows several interface errors.